
  • Improved operation of video calls

    We have improved functionality, accelerated performance and increased the stability of video calls. Video calls can be started by clicking on the camera icon in the chat bar when talking to anothe...

  • New - "Interests"

    We have added a new option on the user profile - "Interests". There, you can select your non-erotica interests and search for users according to them.

  • An option to hide your friends and the following people

    An option to hide the list of friends and the following people from other users has been added. The new options are available in the user panel in the "Settings" tab. In addition, there is an opti...

  • Update of Regulations and Privacy Policy

    We have updated the Regulations and Privacy Policy, mainly in terms of the provisions regarding removed functionalities such as Groups, Events, Cameras, as well as the ability to verify account reg...

  • Deactivation of the Cameras section

    On 5.12.2024, the Cameras with public broadcasting section of the website will be deactivated. The option to make private video calls will continue to be available in user-to-user conversations. A...

  • Changes in phone payments

    To use the VIP or SUPER VIP service for payment by phone, you must agree and set a limit on your network. You can do this by sending a text message with the selected limit to your operator: Orange...

  • Selection of acceptable genders

    The option to select which genders can visit the profile has been replaced with the "Only the genders I am looking for" option. When the option is enabled, only users of the genders that are set as...

  • Deactivation of Groups and Events sections

    On 23.09.2024, the Group and Events sections of the website will be permanently deactivated. All existing groups and events as well as posts and replies to posts in them will all be deleted. From t...

  • New status Invisible

    We have introduced a new status: Invisible. Once it is set up, other users will not see that you are online. You can change your status in the user panel menu.

  • Liking your own photos, videos and posts

    We have added the ability to like the photos, videos and posts that you add. In addition, restrictions against commenting and liking comments on one's own profile have been removed.